Sir. Leonard Tim Hector

Antigua Barbuda National Hero
There hasn't been an objective and detailed analysis of the political environment in Antigua and Barbuda undertaken by the local press or any independent Antiguan author since the passing of Sir. Leonard Tim Hector.
He was undoubtedly the most reliable, accurate, and revered journalist in the history of Antigua and Barbuda. Tim was the author, editor, and publisher of the Outlet, a weekly newspaper that kept the anxious reading public informed about what the government was doing in the country behind the scenes.
The Outlet was the Most Interesting and informative newspaper on the Island, known for Its independence, objectivity, and unfiltered notes from the editor. The country is changing, and it doesn't seem like anyone is doing that type of investigative journalistic reporting in Antigua anymore.
Front Page Outlet News Papers

Without a free press, Independent journalists, and watchdog groups, the public wouldn't know what the government is doing and what's happening in the country away from public view. Regarded as the greatest Antiguan by many, the nation can be proud of the work, life, and legacy of Sir Leonard Tim Hector.
Tim was a man of many talents and a hard act to follow. He was a man of all seasons, a scholar, and a teacher with impeccable academic credentials. Sir Leonard Tim Hector was admired and respected internationally, and he's regarded by many Antiguan as the Greatest son of the soil.