What's Going On In Antigua?

I am still baffled by some of the strange things happening in the country that people might not be paying attention to and take for granted. The present trajectory of the country indicates a gradual departure from a parliamentary democracy to a more constrained political system of anocracy, a stepping stone to autocracy and outright dictatorship.
Strange Bedfellows!
Did they switch when you were not paying attention? Even before being elected to public office, UPP and the ALP were always staunch opponents of communism and warned of the threat to democracy. Not sure if it's desperation, but the two parties have conveniently abandoned their long-held opposition to communism and become strange political bedfellows with the CCP.

Who's Calling The Shots?
Given the omnipresence and ever-growing influence of communist China in the country today, it's not clear who's calling the shots. The one clear thing is the blatant hypocrisy of the former UPP administration and the ruling ALP government.
Despite all the fear-mongering about communism, the government has become a staunch UN supporter of the regime's global agender and is increasingly dependent and deeply indebted to the communist party of China. That's what's going on in Antigua, and it's baffling.
The decision to give public lands, concessions, waivers, and tax holidays to China for ostensible economic and financial aid, is not a legacy-defining political accomplishment. It's an egregious and callous act of extreme political folly that leaves the country trapped in economic servitude with diminishing returns and increasing financial burden.
Investment Or Debt Trap?
See what happens when countries can't pay back loans to China.
The government's inability to pay back the accumulating debt to China and other foreign lenders are looming threat to national security and sovereignty. If it continues unabated, it could lead to the recolonization of Antigua enabled by politicians oblivious to the hidden communist agender and willing to give away everything and do anything in the name of progress. Some might beg to differ, but any rational observer would see that Antigua is not for an Antiguans any more, It's a foreiners paradise.