Antigua Passport For Sale
Did you know you can buy Antigua and Barbuda passport from the government and become a citizen or ambassador of the country? You can if you have the money. The fact that people without genetic roots or a relationship with Antigua, and perhaps never set foot on the Island, can be a citizen of Ambasodor should be alarming to all concerned citizens of the country.

Hearing about it for the first time aroused suspicions and concern without even knowing all the details. Presumptuous? Perhaps, but it was not without merit. I eventually found a link to a website with detailed information about how Antigua citizenship by Investment works, and it's just what I thought it was!
On close examination, the CBIP idea seems like a desperate disguised financial scheme designed for personal profit. Call it what you may, but it's not a sound, rational, or prudent government policy derived from research or due diligence. Nevertheless, the government claims that the CIP is vital to the economy and one of the financial contributors to the country's GDP.
That's hard to verify, given the conspicuous absence of accurate data, irrefutable evidence, and tangible benefits to the country. If It's a financial benefit to the country's GDP, what and who are the beneficiaries of the sale of Antigua Barbuda passports and diplomatic status to foreign nationals? Maybe a selected few in government service, but certainly not the average Antiguan and Barbudan.
Architects And Beneficiaries
I've said it in an article previously, but I cannot resist doing it again. Antigua politics is an enigma that continues to confuse and baffle my comprehension. Politicians in Antigua have been accused of involvement in the alleged fraud, Ponzi schemes, scamming, and other nefarious activities, but no one has ever been held accountable.

Some accused, suspects, and conspirators continue to hold public office, deceiving and fleecing the nation with no apparent consequences. One example is the current justice minister. He was accused of fraud and asked to resign when he was the opposition leader in 2008.
New information surfaced since i wrote this article, so i had to update it with the latest. Some say it's rumors, some call it fake news, but if accusations of alledged fraud involving the justice minister of Antigua are found to be true, it would be another embarressing political scandal for the re-elected ALP government.